
Geo-Loc閒散無事, 當然要到Lynn 的 閒散無事 逛逛! :mrgreen:
星期六, 冇節目, 在公司磨爛蓆時, 發現了Lynn 的新玩意: Geoloc!
Geoloc 好像比 Hitmaps 又更勝一籌了! 它以世界地圖的形式, 告訴你, 在這一刻, 來自世界何地的人正在你的網頁上逗留!
在有人online 的地方, 綠色的小圈圈, 就會一貶一貶的, 地圖上更有文字告訴你這裡是香港、是台灣、是加拿大、是美國…… 真的益智得緊! 而當人離開了你, offline 了後, 該地就會留下一個小紅點, 過後留痕……

星期六的下午, 坐在辦公室, 看著綠色圈圈, 此起彼落, 身處彼岸的朋友 (雖然不知是誰), 原來在同時同刻, 跟你一起在看著你的Blog, 一起在世界地圖上閃呀閃的, 感覺, 還挺浪漫的! 😉

GeoLoc 是一個法文網站, 我不懂法文, 但還是胡裡胡塗, 亂打亂撞的填了有關資料, 順利搞定!
昨晚, 用Google Tool Bar 內Page info 的翻譯功能, 看了一遍介紹, 這是Google 翻譯的英文版.

GeoLoc 除了提供visitors的Geographical Visualization外, 還有Statistical Tools,
在它的主頁登入後, 還可以看到流量報告 (這個term 有否用錯?), 及來源地的統計圖.


Geo-LocGeoLoc 是一個免費, 亦是一個收費的服務. 如果你不打算付費的話, 60日後, 它提供的服務會較少,

If you decide not to become subscribed, you will continue to have a reduced service, without modifying the codes déja installed on your site.

吓? 就這麼少?

登記方法其實很易, 不懂法文都可以的! 在主頁, 按這個button inscription
Votre em@il :     <– 填登記的e-mail 啦
Titre de votre site :  <–你的網名/ blog 名
URL de votre site :  <–你的網址/ blog 址
Mot de passe :     <–你擬定的Password
Confirmez votre mot de passe : <– Confirm password, 打多次啦
於是, 你就得到一個類似以下的Script:
<script language=”JavaScript” src=”” ></script>
將它加到你的index script 內就可以了!

P.S. GeoLoc 竟然不support Firefox! 用 Firefox 只會見到無人Online! (當然, 這有時也是事實) 🙄

GeoLoc終於support Firefox 了~ 雖然還有一點點問題~~ 🙄

Geoloc is a new service of geographical localization of the visitors . It is an original service which create an interactivity with the visitors of your web site.
Now with GEOLOC it is possible to know in LIVE, who is online and from where are the Net surfers visiting your pages.
The conjugation of our scripts and our data bases do a powerful and reliable tool.

Geoloc is very simple to use. You have just to parameter your Geoloc, during your inscription, then to past some lines of code in the script of your site. Not need programming, or downloading, just cut/paste!

After your inscription you will have access to a light free service of GEOLOC. To take benefit of all the services, you will to become member. The price of subscription for four months is the cost of a simple phone call ( tariff according to your place residence-you can see in member area– >’ CREDIT MY ACCOUNT ‘).

If you use the free tool, you can decide to become member when you want, you have just to credit your account, without any modification of the codes present in your web site.



33 thoughts on “Geoloc

  1. “閒散無事”?! 我暈 -_-!!

    太佩服你了,好讚!居然還整理了這麽一大篇安裝指南,狠詳細啊!555555,相形見拙,我果真是懶散得要命 :mrgreen:

  2. Jansen, 我已經說了, 他們好像只是不讓我們再改code (好像就是顏色設定那類) 而已… 所以我說:”吓? 就這麼少?”
    很訝異的說… 😀

  3. Alan, 不!是轉用sidebar 後, 因為內裡的java有”void(0), 令Jugepi留言版的write, read等button function不到~
    用不用sidebar, GeoLoc 都會是0 user online的, 假如你用的是Firefox 的話~~ (我在上文有提到呀!)

  4. 我是小器鬼, 見到身邊某些Blog友應看了這篇介紹, 而裝了Geo-Loc, 但卻不告知, 心中有點不是味兒…
    (不包括在此reply, 在jegepi, icq 留言的朋友)
    你不知道你的一聲“多謝、唔該”, 可逗得我多高興.
    為何看了、用了、卻連說一句都省了? 😈

  5. 想問一下,爲什麽申請了以後加了代碼,那個東西還是靜態的,也沒有什麽 x visitors online 之類的啊?

  6. pink, 靜態, 我想, 是因為真的剛巧沒人在你的網站罷? :p
    都說了, 是這段嘛:
    <script language=”JavaScript” src=”” ></script>

  7. Hello, nice to meet you ! 😛
    I also set up Geoloc, but they are not move,can’t see 綠色圈圈,only 綠色 spot, not like their websit show that, do you know why??:???::Can tell me, please.:idea:

  8. Hi, happy to meet you!

    I want to set up geoloc
    but I can’t get inscription,

    Is there locational restriction
    In korea you can’t set up “geoloc”?

    yes, I’m a korean ^^;;

    Is it possible? I’m really wondering about it.. please ^^/

    even not in English that website!!

  9. :razz:Hi. Thank you for printing the English version)
    I hope it’s ok if I have 4 questions:
    1. Will Geo Loc slow the blog load up time in any significant way….
    2. Is there a better spot to place the code in the template to keep it loading up fast?
    3. Do you reccomend code be placed on multiple pages?
    4. Can you omit showing of the total amount of hits in the public display?
    Thank you so very much. ~M.B.
    Thank you so much. (And for

  10. Geo Loc has become incredible slow. I had to remove it from my site. The javascript inclusion on MIE just paused the entiere page until GeoLoc was loaded. Does somebody know a good alternative one?

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