Hong Kong Blog Directory

今日發現了Jacky 的Blog:《網絡暴民》,圖文並茂的,很好看!:eek:


是呀!這也是香港的現況;雖然我們有HKIBBS香港網站Blog,也有Blog 鄉村香港站之類的入門網站,但就真的欠了一個Hong Kong Blog Directory (我提過很多次了!)

不過我這狷介的人,覺得香港已如此的小,實在不愛再告訴人住哪~ 所以還未登記! :face:

關於這個問題,我曾跟 mmonk及很關心香港blog 文化發展的Andrea 說了我的看法。
Andrea 讀了我的信, 覺得我是因為私隱問題,在blog 報道了!
(其實我的考量並不是私隱,只是覺得沒此必要罷了!) :p

又及,假如,Blog 是multi user blog,如“人生海海”、“陰暗灰沉”、“More Than One”、“BlogSup”之類,又該怎辦?

寫文時,再到hkbloggers.com,才發現了mmonk 有這樣的安排,他說:

If you don’t want to pick a station, you can still be listed as ‘unreachable’.

問題算是解決了!有興趣的朋友,可以參加一下! 😉

不過,我實在很希望未來有一個不止以地域、幹線作分類的blog directory!

國內blog 友小V 作的Blog 網址收藏,除了將blog 以地域分類之外,還可以blog 的類型、Hits、人氣、設計排行, 這, 可能可作為一些參考!

我的網絡界老朋友,何時有空共襄善舉? 😮

Blog 網址收藏
HKI Blog
香港 blog blog 齋



23 thoughts on “Hong Kong Blog Directory

  1. Kli, 係咪搞先? 如果寫好o左, 要輸入data, 我唔介意人手dup o架~~ 當然最好可以俾人apply, 有少少似blogshares 咁, 俾人claim 番個blog? 小v 那個其實都是, 兩者都用埋rss 添, 如果要好似oui 咁要做埋聯播, 其實難唔難? 以前tup 個介面都係咁~~

  2. mmonk, 真係整o左先算啦~~ 你知, 我都講o左件事咁耐… 我唔識寫program, 你憑一人(仲有朋友)之力, 整到而家個hkbloggers 我已經覺得好勁喇~ 😉

  3. sorry, i have to type english…

    acutally, i am doing a research on hk blogs… and it is so hard… i mean i have to go to each site, then from each stie links to other blogs… it is very time consuming… there is no proper search engine, like blog.cn and “when we blog together” (i really like that site… design, search, with specila features adn tech support info…)

    thanks mmonk for the hkbloggers… but it is just a beginning…

    my research topic of blogs is the idea of auto-ethnographic nature and the idea of self-representation and also the idea of pirvate moments can be read as a cutlural text, or even a cultural critique… but i am also doing a review in “new” media as a practise of everydaylife.

    i do hope we can work out something.

    i will kinda categorize the blogs i search into different items. after i figure out my list, i will publish it on my blogs. it is not just a list, but with categories… but i can’t write programme for a search engine, so can’t work on it…

    i mean some blogs maybe in many categories. so when people search in different items, they can be “found” and this is actually the interesting thing about blogs, that one day, i am writing about my very personal feelings, the other day, i have a critical point of view on some cultural issues, sometimes tech info and then sometimes a newspaper writing, sometimes a link to other interesting sites, followed again by a poem.. you know…

    let’s see what we can do, let’s keep this in mind…

    i think my research list can be out in late march… i have to finish that paper on may.

    let you all know more by then…

  4. thanks sidekick and aahsun. i think in addition to listing the blogs by stations, i can add other categories onto each blog, such as topics, language, , photoblog, adult content* (for the latest blogsup) and etc. originally, i got the idea from nycbloggers.com which i liked very much. then, someone designed london bloggers, which seemed very complicated. i’m also thinking about creating a site like gothamist. before everything gets started, it is very important to have someone with STRONG technical background so that the site can be ‘dynamic’ and easy to maintain. we’ll see…

  5. I suggest let the people who submit the site use keyword to describe their blog. Almost like meta tag they insert at the beginning of a html, you know? This refelcts somehow how they want people find them, or relat to them.

    It tells something, perhaps that is one aspect or angle for you research too sunsun!


  6. yes, this is important. how one chooses the keywords are actually how s/he wants other people see them, or to think of them. categorization is ways of thinking ma…
    afte ri figure out a list, i will write them and ask them for keywords…

    thank you for your suggestions… thanks deki too.

  7. sidekick: 我公司有人手去做,難唔緊要,唔係我做 XD 我有心去做一個「最完善」的blog,亦有志推動blog文化,不介意Link其他blog site,反正越多人想寫blog,(我相信)越多人會選擇我的blog。現在我的blog已經寫好九成,應該有資源可以開始搞Directory。

  8. 我覺得用Del.icio.us及Gmail既free tagging方式將blog分類會好的, 因為好多人既blog都會有唔同既內容, 如果用category歸類會無咁方便, 如果用tag, 無論係blogger表達自己既blog內容, 或訪客找尋blog都會容易好多. 💡

  9. 好, 暫時先將這篇文, 當是大家的暫時討論及聯絡的地方罷! (我會將此文的link 放side bar 當眼處)
    曾reply 過的朋友, 如不介意, 我先form一個Group Mail好嗎?
    (如果有興趣的朋友想參加, 請回覆).
    第一步, 我們先要製訂這個directory 的形式. 用tag 還是甚麼? 誰懂得寫一個draft? 😉

  10. Pingback: Jan's Tech Blog
  11. deki: blogshares may not be a good reference. People usually vote the categories for the “chips”, they didn’t really spend time to read the blogs carefully before casting their votes.

    I would prefer del.icio.us type free tagging

  12. 確實是 “人” 的問題,但這些分類也要由 “人” 來決定呀。

    我的意思是如果要限定分類的話,還是由 blog 的主人來決定比較好。如果像 del.icio.us 那樣,所設定的 tag 只會影響那位讀者,不會限定那個 blog 的分類,就無所謂。

  13. 係喎, 如果可以由blogger加tag之餘, 再加上讀者設定tag, 咁會幾有趣喎, blogger自己定義既可能會同讀者的原全不同, 你有你既講法我有我既睇法, 正!!! 😎

  14. 我諗呢個係香港文化問題,就算Blog內會Share文章,但又會唔會Share自己D相?唔知係唔係好多香港人唔係咁願俾人知道自己係邊個。
    其實Blog係一個another side o既世界,可能有個人平時好cool,唔講o野,但o向Blog度就好多o野寫。但係佢又唔相俾人知道佢另一面,所以形成香港Blog o既風格。
    Share文章 =/= Share相片?問題係你o向Blog入面想Share邊D o野。
    其實有D外國文化真係唔係咁o岩香港。唔知大家有冇玩過MyWallop,有玩過o既朋友invite人果陣會唔會諗o下:”我invite o左佢,佢咪知道我有邊D Friend?”
    所以Blog o向香港會有另一個風格:wink:

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