
Keso 說:

关于RSS是不是垃圾的争论,除了对大家了解RSS有些好处外,其实这个命题本身毫无意义。电视机是不是垃圾,取决于你用电视机看什么,互联网是不是垃圾,也取决于你利用互联网做什么。你不能因为你的Louis Vuitton皮包中装满垃圾,就说Louis Vuitton是垃圾。

Blog 是不是網上日記的争论,除了对大家了解Blog有些好处外,其实这个命题本身毫无意义。电视机是不是垃圾,取决于你用电视机看什么,互联网是不是垃圾,也取决于你利用互联网做什么。你不能因为香港的Blog 大部份都是網上日記,就说Blog 是網上日記。



我觉得不是谁要去误解Blog,是Blog 本来就让人误解。普通用户根本就不用关心Blog 是怎样的一种方便的技术,他们只知道Blog 大部份都是網上日記,所以就“误解”了。

John Lennon: Love

Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

Marky的推理: What is Blog

Blog is real, real is Blog,
Blog is feeling, feeling Blog,
Blog is wanting to be Blogged.
Blog is touch, touch is Blog,
Blog is reaching, reaching Blog,
Blog is asking to be Blogged.
Blog is you,
You and me,
Blog is knowing,
We can be.
Blog is free, free is Blog,
Blog is living, living Blog,
Blog is needing to be Blogged.

John Lennon: Imagine

Imagine there’s no heaven,
It’s easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today…

Imagine there’s no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace…

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you’ll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Marky的推理: Blog



10 thoughts on “推理遊戲

  1. i would very much agree with this definition on blogger.com:

    A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.

    “Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.
    In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what’s new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not. ”


  2. and more:

    ” A blog gives you your own voice on the web. It’s a place to collect and share things that you find interesting— whether it’s your political commentary, a personal diary, or links to web sites you want to remember.”

    “Many people use a blog just to organize their own thoughts, while others command influential, worldwide audiences of thousands. Professional and amateur journalists use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalers reveal inner thoughts. ”

    cheers 🙂

  3. Will, 而家先明點解你咁惡~ 因為我都不為意lennon 冇o左個”n”字, 我都唔知點解個”n” 字唔見o左, 突然望一望, 咦? 個”n”字呢? 然後先知你想提我乜…

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