功能強大的Blog Flux

20050924 追加:
Blog Flux Team很好人,專程e-mail 告訴我他們又增了新功能:
Display Latest Cities
在 User Control Panel的 Listed Web Logs 一欄,多了這個 Live Cities HTML Code:
click 進去,就可做設定 (也可用default)的,將生成的 javascipt 放到 sidebar 就是了!
我已用了它取代 gVisit 那個 (見異思遷?)
反正,我已是 BlogFlux 的memeber了! :p
20050923 文章內容:
為免大家混淆,我將 gVisit 跟 Blog Flux 的介紹“分拆上市”。 

早兩天收到 Blog Flux Team的 e-mail,說:

I see that you are linking to gVisit.com, and I was hoping you could take a look at our service – MapStats: http://mapstats.blogflux.com/

Focusing on blogs, it provides a plethora of information for each visitor, combining Google Maps with a full statistics service. Mind you, it is still not 100% finished – if you check out the breakdown for today
( example: http://mapstats.blogflux.com/1845-hour.html )
you can see that we are adding more and more information.

I hope you enjoy our service and consider using it.

BlogFlux.com一看,覺得這個利用Google Maps API key 造的 GuestMap很有趣,還附帶流量統計,又是免費服務,本著為大家報道的精神,於是申請了一個。:p

BlogFlux 要 24小時才生效,服務如何,容後報道。

不過,我“random thoughts”、“TikTak Meeting”及“天佑的自由天地”都已申請了。

blogflux今天下午到 BlogFlux.com查看,竟未見任何統計,才發現自己放錯了 script。:p
大家申請後,請到User Control Panel,找Listed Web Logs,按一下Get HTML Code,將相關的script 放到Blog內。(我是放在sidebar的)

我的 Stats 暫設為 public,如有興趣看看BlogFlux 的流量統計功能,可按這 button

這是首頁的MapStats,列出最新25位到訪者的位置。比 gVisit 多了5個。

但其實它收錄了頭100個Latest Cities for Today,亦跟 gVisit 一樣,可用RSS 訂閱。
不過BlogFlux 比 gVisit 提供了更多到訪者的資料,見下圖。


20050923 2045:幫小奧拍了張照:




19 thoughts on “功能強大的Blog Flux

  1. kaka~ 搵到自己響一個叫「白沙村 Pak Sha Tsuen」既地方出現!原來最近我屋企既機房都有成個半鐘頭車程。

    ps 我拿去用了~謝啦:face:

  2. Pingback: moliuOLOGY
  3. i am also using it now:idea: but i realize it didn’t pick up users who go to my other pages like writing/music/film/video, even the old blog (many people still go to there from yahoo and google and other search engine)

    seems like even if i admit aahsun.com and not the wpblog page, it only picks up the blog page stats…

    a bit strange… :que:

    just want to let you know 😆

  4. sidekick,請問你的mapstats的那個scroll bar是怎樣弄的啊﹖我在blog flux裡generate的javascript裡好像沒有此設定。請指教啊~arigato!:smile:

  5. Pingback: TonyChou Walker

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