今天, 我的星運如是說:
“You have the perfect combination of sensitivity, self-confidence, and discipline to make anything work, Sidekick. Most likely you will have a fantastic time with whatever you do, and it won’t take much at all to amuse you. When talking with others, you know exactly what to say to reassure and inspire them. You know how to put your best foot forward, regardless of the circumstances and the other people involved. You are on top of the world, so let yourself shine.”
不過, 儘管星運如是說, 但是, 我今天的朋友運卻非常不濟 -_-
今天下午, 與朋友有約. 見面時, 鬧著玩的說話, 竟觸怒了朋友,
就算我即時解釋, 道歉, 卻不可即時止住朋友的怒意,
遭到責罵的我, 當然不好受, 那刻實在難過得要命,
唯有極力克制情緒, 不要哭, 不要再弄壞事情,
我不想將自己的痛, 再回贈對方, 再繼續互相傷害…..
儘管, 朋友怒火過後, 知道我根本沒有惡意, 亦為他的火大致歉,
那時, 唯一可做到的, 是盡力控制自己的情緒, 用平和的語調,
讓朋友知道自己已明白, 再鎮定的離開案發現場,
然後, 即時回家, 痛哭一場.
靜下來時, 細心檢討, 才了解到,
原來, 之於他, 我仍是一根緊繃的弦, 實在背負不起太多負面情緒,
一超過了負荷, 就會崩潰……
盡管, 理智上, 了解到事情只是一時的不快,
可是, 一直累績的負荷, 只要再加上這一時的不快,
相信, 我仍會傷心好幾天…….
希望, 仍會流的淚, 可替我修復傷口…..