Blog Day 2007

今日是3108(8月31日),亦是第三年的Blog Day!

Blog Day 2007

甚麼是Blog Day?可以看上年的這篇“Blog Day 2006”。而慶祝方法就是寫文推薦五個Blog啦。
Sidekick 一直多看中文少看英文,所以會看的英文blog,當然是精選中的精選啦!

  1. RConversation

    Rebecca MacKinnon, Global Voices Online的co-founder,現於香港大學的Journalism and Media Studies Centre教 “new media” 。第一次認識Rebacca 是在05年的中文網誌年會,她能將現場講者的說話(國語)即時翻譯為英文在IRC發放,而一口流利的國語比我這個香港人講得好十倍。Rebacca 關心世界事,但特別關心中國及香港的事;inmedia 阿藹有次跟我說,最關心她的事的人是Rebacca,反而她寫得最多。

  2. Outblaze Blog
    今天在Rebacca 處看見的。映入眼簾的第一篇竟然是關於阿藹的事,Outblaze 找專人畫了這漫畫諷刺影視處及淫審處!大家可不要忘記,這可是一個corparate blog 啊! 😆
    所以雖然此blog 的產量並不多,只是寥寥數篇文,也值得在這天介紹一下,希望是一個智、仁、勇兼備的blog!

  3. 852signal
    852signal, blog的主人叫Angus Lau,在blog內他介紹了多個香港的 IT Startup,全靠他我才可以認識到這個web 2.0世代在香港的發展。
    順帶一提,9月18日,將有一個Hong Kong Web Community Gathering “Blogger Dinner”,搞手是Angus Lau,而Sidekick 則負責聯絡香港的blogger。這將是香港 IT Startup及blogger一個相聚的好機會,有興趣者請不吝參加! 💡
  4. China Web2.0 Review
    這個blog是內地的網友Tangos所寫,“to track web2.0 development, review and profile web2.0 applications, business and services in China”
    如果想增加內地web 2.0的了解,此blog不可不看!

  5. EastSouthWestNorth
    除此以外,宋生還有個像“出奇蛋”的culture blog,內在非一般的精彩內容,實在不能錯過!

祝各位Blog Day快樂,happy blogging!

相關文章:Blog Day 2006



5 thoughts on “Blog Day 2007

  1. Hi Sidekick,

    I don’t have time to read the detail of your recommended blogs yet because the ironical cartoon of “Outblaze Blog” made me too busy to laugh, and to share with my husband! I tell you what — one of the thing that I don’t like living in HK is that I must wear a bra under 33 or even higher degrees!

    In the future, when I master the Chinese Input Method that I’m learning now, I can tell you more about the cultural difference here. 因為更傳神嘛!

    By the way, can you kindly tell me briefly what “IT startup” means? My surfing quota of blogging has to be finished now (self-disciplined reason). I’ll definitely go to the blogs you recommended!

    Thanks once again for the fun brought to us (medical research proves that laughing do makes us healthier!)

    Auntie Mud — from the southern hemisphere.

  2. 乜太,
    your comment also made me too busy to laugh! 😆
    謝謝你喜歡“Outblaze Blog”.
    你知道嗎? 有些香港女子連睡覺也戴bra, 說會防止下垂, hahaha~
    blogging, 用中英文都沒所謂啦~ 可能你開了blog後, 會令你更有興趣學打更多中文~
    IT startup, 據我所知, 就是泛指這個web2.0世代的it 創業者, 852signal sidebar 內, Web 2.0 Hong Kong一欄的那些dot com, 就有好多香港的IT startup了.
    最後, 謝謝你也讓我笑~ 希望大家都健康!

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