無處容 blog
inmedia:違反日常經驗的官僚/道德審裁 早上,先收到網站伺服器的公司電話,說獨立媒體網的某張照片被影視處警告,建議我們移除或加 pop-up警告字眼;接著收到影視處江先生的電話…… http://farm1.static.flickr.com/238/521878710_25bb025cb4_o.jpg 東南西北:What do U Wants? Nobody at the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority is interested in these posts. Instead, they have the time to contact InMediaHK for the one photograph that appeared in this post: A Conversation With A TELA Bureaucrat (note: the only thing that mattered to TELA was that one […]