《香港愛犬之家》Hong Kong Dog Rescue急需您的援手


Hong Kong Dog Rescue 真的需要大家 Rescue,無論多與少也不打緊,只要你有心幫忙,就經已能夠幫助這些可愛的小寶寶了:cry:

感謝 Crystal的翻譯(crystal_pui(at)hotmail.com)




上周,一隻可愛的雪撬犬 (Tamara)因唾液腺疾病而需要一個進行漫長複雜的手術;另兩隻由漁農署拯救出來的年青八哥犬 (Pancake)及爹利犬 (Angelis)亦因染上腸病毒而終告不治;混種八哥 (Ramona)除了眼睛潰瘍外,更不幸感上肺炎需要留院數天,以致未能為牠進行眼部手術而失去一隻眼睛;小北京 (Jewel) 因面部接紋過大而引致雙眼發炎,不得不進行割面皮的手術;還有一隻可憐的西施犬因長期流浪,而致食肉蒼蠅入眼,當我們把牠交到獸醫手中時,幼虫已入腦,我們惟有選擇讓牠安詳的離開。



1) 支票捐款
支票抬頭請寫”Hong Kong Dog Rescue”
寄往:6 Aberdeen Marina Tower, 8 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

2) 直接存入本會的銀行戶口
戶口資料:502-423825-001 (港幣戶口)
戶口名稱:Hong Kong Dog Rescue



註:HKDR 為認可的慈善機構,詳情可到香港稅務局網頁查詢。


HKDR needs your help.

The past few months have been very hard financially for us with many dogs requiring lengthy or complicated veterinary treatment. Not all of the dogs that HKDR take in survive, and of those that don’t, HKDR must bear all the costs. Even for those that do survive and go on to be adopted, HKDR must still cover the costs for all treatment over and above the basic vaccinations, desexing etc that adopters are asked to pay.

In just the last week, we have had the husky, Tamara, requiring lengthy and complicated surgery to remove an infected salivary gland. Two lovely and young little dogs, Pancake the pug and Angelis the terrier, came to us from AFCD kennels with parvovirus which was not apparent at the time. Both of these adorable dogs very sadly died from this terrible disease. The pug/peke cross, Ramona, developed pneumonia and a deep eye ulcer at the same time. Because of the chest infection, Ramona couldn’t have an operation on her eye and the chances are very high that it will have to be removed. Little Pekingese girl, Jewel, had very badly infected eyes which was made worse by the facial folds that most pekes have, and they were removed surgically to help her eyes and her breathing. We also tried to help a poor shih tzu who had been abandoned on the street some time ago. A kind lady had been feeding this dog, and came to us in tears when AFCD took him away. She told us that he had a bad eye infection and would not survive in the government kennels. We took the dog to a vet immediately, but the eye had burst and was infested with the dreadful screw worms, the maggot of the blow fly. Despite two attempts at removing them, the worms were continuing to eat into the brain of the dog and we had to have him put to sleep.

All of these cases have occurred over the past few days, and there are many, many cases and stories that are never seen on the website but which happen on almost a daily basis. The costs are high, not just financially, but also because every dog that comes to HKDR means a lot to everyone emotionally. To see the suffering, and the courage with which these dogs bear their pain and distress, is something that is incredibly hard in every case.
However, difficult as it is, every volunteer in HKDR remains dedicated to the work because of the many dogs that we DO save, and who DO survive.

We are asking you now to make a donation to help us to keep on helping the dogs. It doesn’t matter how little you can afford, because every bit helps. Your extra support is requested at this particular time due to the large amount of very expensive veterinary cases that we have had recently. You can be assured that as a voluntary organization, all of your money goes directly towards helping the dogs.

To make a donations, please either send a cheque (made out to Hong Kong Dog Rescue) to 6 Aberdeen Marina Tower, 8 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong (this is a mailing address only). Or you can deposit directly into the HKDR bank account: HSBC 502-423825-001. If you require a receipt, please let us know. We are a registered charity so donations are tax deductible.

THANK YOU in advance for your help.

Sally and all the HKDR Volunteers



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