
我慶幸,我得獎了! 💡

主辦者是“東南西北”的宋先生,以下是他的 “My Favorite Hong Kong Blogs”:

This is December and everyone is handing out awards. I guess I must do something too, although I am much less amibitious. Here I am referring to the 100% Hong Kong blogs written in Cantonese Chinese. It suffices to say that I love you all because you are part of my being and essence. Outsiders will never ever get it. While I live in Hong Kong, I write in English and mostly about China. Therefore I cannot be considered a Hong Kong blog and I am out of any competition. But if you stick a gun to my head and demand that I name my top five favorites, here they are (in a specific order of preference from top down)

Just A Sidekick (ESWN’s comment: the unchallenged big sister of the Hong Kong blogosphere; full disclosure: I have no business connection, no contact and no knowledge with/of the person)
Over The Rainbow (ESWN’s comment: Florence is a media worker and I wish all media worker would have a personal blog so that I understand why the news is what it is)
Hung One Bean (ESWN’s comment: I will state: this is a sentient human being)
Miss Lee in Summer (ESWN’s comment: I will state: this is another sentient human being: flesh and blood)
港燦筆記 (ESWN’s comment: Finally, the lone male blogger among my top five but he is going to move to China)

I know that there is such a celebrity-driven thing as Civic Express, but nothing there touches me like the five personal bloggers that I named above. Mainstream media does not yet understand how these bloggers have affected Internet users. I will start with this statement — they have affected me and I love them with all my heart for shining the light on my hometown. This may seem an extraordinary statement coming from a normally critical and shrill blogger here, but I truly mean what I say.

eswn宋先生大概是在 12月12日寫這篇文的。那陣子,Sidekick 除了在網上被人身攻擊外,還遇上了大感冒(病了兩個多星期),真箇是“身心俱疲”!
尤其是,在 12日前的幾天,當我在壹周刊 (12月4日出版的 822期),讀到“非常人語”的“天外有天”,對宋先生加深了認識之後。(詳見 Letters from China: The Rise Of Hong Kong Bloggers)

忘了是何時認識 “東南西北”這個網站了,大概是 3, 4月罷?有一天在 sitemeter 的 backlink 見到自己的 blog 被收錄在它的 Blogroll 內,之後有關 blog is blog 的文章,也被翻譯了。
早幾天,國內 blogger flypig 剛刊登了他替《经济观察报》寫的生活方式增刊稿件:2005年的三个博客 ,內有“東南西北”的介紹。



20060105 的補充
昨天,“東南西北”的宋先生在他的 blog 回應了這篇文,是這樣的:

[016] Sidekick Replies (1/4/2005) In the post My Favorite Hong Kong Blogs, I named Sidekick as the Big Sister of the Hong Kong blogosphere. In
天外有天!天外有獎!, Big Sister expresses her gratitude. Now, my platitudinous statement was somewhat bizarre: “ESWN’s comment: the unchallenged big sister of the Hong Kong blogosphere; full disclosure: I have no business connection, no contact and no knowledge with/of the person.” That was because at the time, Sidekick was getting hammered for making certain statements out of alleged conflict of interest involving other organizations and persons (but how can she be serving someone whom she has never ever met in her entire life!?). Ergo, my statement was made in sarcasm against her attacker and she must surely understand. Sidekick wrote: 小踢才疏,竟得宋先生厚愛,汗顏之餘,只能感激!在此祝願宋先生身體健康,生活愉快,繼續傳達訊息! Alas, I ought to be the person grateful for the attention of Big Sister. It is that attention that validates my existence as a Hong Kong blogger.




8 thoughts on “天外有天!天外有獎!

  1. :face:您的努力得到很多人認同,這樣相信每日去sidekick的人就知道.

  2. 小踢腳淪陷前的留言, 時為 2005-12-31 16:08:20


    小踢, 讀到宋以朗先生對小踢的讚揚, 我心中第一句話也是實至名歸啊. (原來實至名歸這句話阿當比我早三小時已經說了). 不僅是小踢, 其餘四位也是…..


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