上星期的某個深夜, 於收音機偶爾聽到這首久違了, 可能已經十多年沒有聽過的舊歌.
舊日的氛圍, 突然襲至, 強勁的程度, 令我即時眼紅紅.

這首歌, 從來沒有給我帶來任何類似”一首歌一個故事”式的回憶.
就是這樣原始, 一首舊歌, 攜帶著舊日的氣氛, 舊日的氣味.

常聽的舊歌, 由於經常溫習, 新新舊舊的感覺, 會混在一起, 並不夠純粹; 欠違了的舊歌, 混身都是舊日的氣息, 令人回味!

People Alone, 就如歌名, 充滿了寂寞的味道…….


By Randy Crawford

Take me along,
I don’t care where you have gone
And I don’t have to know exactly where you’re going

If you leave me behind
Then ev’rything on your mind
Will turn to pictures of the word we might have been

People alone may go very fast
But maybe not so far
Playing along is still solitaire…
People alone may reach for a love
But only half as well
People alone may seem satisfied
How can they tell?

If we are crossing the line
Where there’s no yours and no mine
We’ll find it easy to see
People should be together

People alone may go very fast
But maybe not so far
Playing along is still solitaire…
People alone may reach for a love
But only half as well
People alone may seem satisfied
How can they tell?

Take me along
Let’s not be people alone
I’m on your mind
So please don’t leave me behind
Crossing the line
Where there’s no yours and no mine, ooh hoo



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