
From T-Salon, Tagging A China-Japan Dialogue in Blogosphere

Andrea said:

I have seen in recent weeks how a few Hong Kong bloggers have been exchanging views back and forth with mainland Chinese bloggers on the anti-Japan protests. It was wonderful to see how Hong Kong people get to learn a bit more about the mainlanders’ feelings while the mainlanders’ became awared of non-violent protests that are common in Hong Kong. Not that this had dramatically changed the shape of things instantly. But because the conversation were out and open on the internet, the values and understanding can be easily spread to more people in other cirles, slowly changing the status quo.

Couldn’t agree more! so…

So here’s a plan, as Rebecca Mackinnon puts it: If you are posting something on your blog about Chinese-Japanese tensions, Sino-Japanese history debates, and related issues (or if you’re uploading related photos to the web), please give it the following tag in del.icio.us, Flickr, Furl, and/or, Technorati: cn_jp_dialog.

關於中日民間對話相關的Blog,可以Ping 或者連接到Technorati上的相關主題上:
<a href=”http://technorati.com/tag/cn_jp_dialog” rel=”tag”>cn_jp_dialog</a>

Technorati Tag:



5 thoughts on “為了讓大家明白大家多一點…

  1. 公園仔:
    To contribute, just make a post to your blog about cn_jp_dialog and include the link below.

    Deki & Guys, thank you for you support. It’s very encouraging to see people trying to help in this case. 💡

  2. Thank you to all who contribute so much on world peace.
    When i enjoy my leisure at home before coffee table, i am missing you, always.

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