做隻貓,做隻狗的 flash 時鐘

在日本人的blog發現了一個貓貓 flash 時鐘,非常喜歡,即時去找原網站。

原來整個 blog 皆是一系列的小貓小狗素材,除了 flash 時鐘(不止小貓小狗),還有 blog template、Wallpaper、動畫gif、flash e card… 不能盡錄!(請自行發掘)

而關於 flash 時鐘,則盡在這個 category
方法亦超簡單,只要將有關的連結,抄到自己的blog 上就是了。
例如我這只貓貓鐘的 script 是這個:

(width及height 的數值可自行更改)

如想先預覽鐘的外型,只需copy script 內的 http://…. swf ,paste 到 browser 上就可以。
有部份的小時鐘更設有下載版,讓你可將 flash 檔案放到自己的地方。

這裡更有十多款的 PC 版的時鐘下載



21 thoughts on “做隻貓,做隻狗的 flash 時鐘

  1. sidekick, actually I can’t read Chinese. I have to translate everything using Babelfish :face: and their translation is sometimes quite innacurate.
    I guess you were asking me that I did not install this clock because there is no Golden Retriever right?
    Then, thats true! 🙂
    Take care and have fun this weekend!

  2. Furkids, just becos you are Mark, not Pete? (just kidding) 😛
    Your guessing is right!
    Haven’t thinking the newly added function “translate to English” could really draw any English using ppl to read my blog.
    And I’m afraid this “English” reply isn’t better than Babyfish’s translation… 😛

  3. 都幾可愛啊, 我最怕那些給人放在 blog 的 flash clock, 當 cursor 一指上去時就飛個 banner 出來, 很 annoying 呢。這個沒有, 真是太好了。

  4. Hi sidekick, thanks for the good translation, your English is really good! Babelfish is really terrible, but still better than nothing.

    Actually, if it’s not too much trouble, maybe adding a ‘translator’ on your site would be nice for ‘ma fan’ people like me :face:. It’s free after all!

    Take care and hope you had a nice Sunday.

  5. Furkids, I added the “translation button” for over a week, but only showed on the individual page (you haven’t see it b4?). Anyways, I put it on the top right corner now, hope it helps~ 😀

  6. 想請問一下, 以下的html語法要怎麼改, 才能夠在blog上使用呢? (我不太懂語法)謝謝!:???::


  7. sunnoom, 基本上, 在內文講的語法就是了, 只是copy and paste 相關的script 放在blog內即可.
    不過, 聽說某些blog 不能這樣, 但要視乎你在用的是哪一家的blog 服務

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